
Alex Rose seated at table in the Student Union

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Alexander Rose
Anticipated Graduation Date: 2026
Academic Program: health care track, Professional Career Escalators
Hometown: Wentzville, Missouri

Alexander Rose is a career-focused freshman, 而吸引他的是行医. 这就是为什么他参加了这个新项目,这个项目为他提供了一条从校园走向职业成功的直接渠道, UMKC Professional Career Escalators.

职业生涯自动扶梯项目为他提供了特殊的指导机会, career-focused advising, extra financial aid and, most importantly for him, 在世界杯赌场盘口学习社区与其他专业职业自动扶梯的学生.

“我相信,与追求与自己相似道路的人交往的能力, 尤其是那些希望继续上专业学校的人, 是职业生涯自动扶梯项目提供的一个非常宝贵的机会吗,” Rose said. “它还能从赛道上不同的个体中汲取灵感. Like health care, for example. There are pre-med students, nursing students, and pre-physician-assistant students, 他们都有不同的过程和愿望.”

职业生涯自动扶梯计划是一个独特的, 个性化支持和服务的商标系统不同于任何在美国提供.S. 它旨在通过提供从入学到工作的明确和指导的路径,推动学生从学术研究转向高薪职业.

该计划为学生在劳动力需求的四个关键领域的职业生涯做好准备:法律和司法, engineering and business, education and health care. Each semester, students participate in the five Professional Career Escalators core experiences: career guidance and development; experiential learning opportunities (such as job shadowing and internships); mentoring with faculty experts and community professionals; graduate and professional school preparation; and leadership development.

Why did you choose UMKC?

I appreciated many factors about the school, 从UMKC名下的许多专业学校中, 与其他一些大学相比. 我也喜欢它给我提供了一些远离家人的空间,同时也知道他们离我不超过三个小时的路程.

Why did you choose your field of study?

我觉得它很适合我,因为我从来没有真正喜欢过数学, and while a good portion of math is still required, the focus is on biology and chemistry.

How has your college program inspired you?

我的课程激励我与更多其他学位课程的学生交流, 并考虑职业生涯自动扶梯内外的领导职位.


我重视与人的联系,尤其是家人,但也包括朋友和导师. 这些联系可以帮助我,并赋予那些参与其中的人更多的权力.

Do you have any scholarships?

我通过职业生涯自动扶梯获得了经济援助,这笔资金将用于我在生活学习社区的住房. 这让我觉得自己属于这个社区, 它是职业生涯自动扶梯的一部分. I also have an academic scholarship through UMKC, 另一个促使我投入大量时间学习和提高成绩的因素.


I am currently a member of Pre-Med Prep, UMKC Pre-Medical Society, Biological Sciences Society, Christian Medical and Dental Association, 急诊医学兴趣小组和促进农村医学意识(FARM).




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