
New cutting-edge educational facility will serve as a catalyst for growth and position the district to become a premier academic medical district
州长迈克·帕森站在讲台上微笑着,身后是UMKC的背景. 总理Mauli Agrawal坐在州长的左边,面带微笑.

The 世界杯赌场盘口 announced a $30 million gift today from the Sunderland Foundation to help fund a new state-of-the-art medical and dentistry building in the UMKC Health Sciences District. The project will escalate momentum for expanding the district into a major regional academic medical center that can provide innovative health care, attract top medical students and researchers and generate billions of dollars in jobs and economic development, 同时推进对缺医少药人群的护理.

多层的, $120 million Healthcare Delivery and Innovation Building will house new dental teaching clinics and expanded medical school teaching facilities. 除了, 它将为UMKC健康公平研究所提供空间, the university’s 数据科学与分析创新中心 and its new biomedical engineering program.

“We are grateful to the Sunderland Foundation for their investment in taking the Health Sciences District to the next level, 带头建立一个学术医疗中心,为社区带来巨大利益,UMKC主席Mauli Agrawal说. “This gift -- by a local foundation that supports making big positive change in Kansas City -- is an investment not just in a building, 但在一个真正的大, 长期愿景. We believe our new building will escalate momentum to exponentially expand the Health Sciences District in coming years to become the major regional academic medical center that we know it can be.”

在现场帮助宣布捐赠的是州长. 迈克牧师, who in July signed legislation from the state of Missouri to appropriate $40 million for the building. This appropriation came with a challenge to the Kansas City community to raise the additional funds needed.

“We are proud to support the efforts of UMKC to improve educational opportunities in science, 技术, 工程学和数学来扩大密苏里州的医疗保健覆盖面, 特别是在农村地区,帕森说. “Missourians will reap the benefits of increased collaboration between health-care services and the data science and biomedical engineering programs that will share the building. 这种伙伴关系可以通过新的途径帮助取得进一步的健康成果, 密苏里州的创新解决方案.”

Grants from the Sunderland Foundation focus on brick-and-mortar projects for established organizations to foster a stronger, 为它所服务的社区带来更安全、更有活力的未来.

“The Sunderland Foundation is proud to give to UMKC’s efforts to transform the Health Science District,肯特·桑德兰说, 桑德兰基金会主席. “The cutting-edge facilities will provide innovative training opportunities for tomorrow’s doctors, 牙医和医疗保健的领导者们将促进我们社区的繁荣, 城市和州. The Sunderland Foundation and UMKC share a mission of caring for the underserved and lifting neighborhoods.”

UMKC是全国仅有的20所拥有牙科学院的大学之一, 医学, 护理与健康研究和药学共用一门课, 适于步行的校园, an arrangement that facilitates interprofessional training for students and opportunities for research collaboration among the health sciences.

另外, the new building will create opportunities for increased collaboration among UMKC and its health district partners including University Health and Children’s Mercy, which allows for a greater capacity for finding health solutions and providing patient care. 该项目将扩大UMKC的使命,以提高堪萨斯城的医疗公平, including many initiatives that work with the underserved including UMKC’s dental clinics, 索杰纳诊所和健康公平中心, 它通过城市核心的教堂网络运作.
