

2人以上,300 UMKC students participated in commencement exercises at Kauffman Stadium in May, 他们中的许多人从校园直接进入棒球场,进入了回报丰厚的职业生涯的第一阶段.

来认识一下UMKC 2021届的四名学生,还有一名学生在一场因大流行而推迟的典礼上回来庆祝她2020年的毕业典礼.


亨利·W. 布洛赫管理学院

Where will you be working, and what excites you about this opportunity to launch a career?

I will be doing the Estee Lauder summer internship. There are about 100 interns from across the country that are placed on teams. Estee Launder has 25 to 30 brands in everything from cosmetics to skincare to fragrances. I will be the 市场营销 intern for two of the luxury fragrance brands. 我的一些职责将包括与崭露头角的影响者合作,学习和审查客户的见解. 我很高兴能把我在UMKC学到的东西付诸实践,希望在夏天结束时能得到一份全职工作.


I made a ton of great connections through the Bloch School. I completed a full-time internship with SkillPath in Kansas City. I was also on executive boards for both a business fraternity and a social sorority. 这些经历让我的校园生活更加充实,也让我掌握了在面试中很容易运用的技能. 2020年春天,我在西班牙完成了一个留学项目,在那里我选修了一门国际市场营销课程. 我在国外的教授对国际营销行业的见解非常有帮助, so that helped open up a door for me that I could pursue.




我和朋友们开了个老笑话, because UMKC has so many specific programs like pre-law and pre-med, 我会告诉别人我即将成为首席执行官. It’s what I would love to do, be a leader of a group or an organization. 能站在这样的位置上,我真的很惭愧. I would also love to be a brand manager or do something in the creative field. But in the long run I would love to potentially start my own company.

"Because UMKC has so many specific programs like pre-law and pre-med, 我会告诉别人我即将成为首席执行官." — 考特尼·柯林斯

雅各毛茸茸的 21


Where will you be working, and what excites you about this opportunity to launch a career?

I'll be teaching K-5 general music at Welborn Elementary School in Kansas City, 堪萨斯州公立学校. 我期待着今年秋天将我在UMKC学到的东西应用到我自己的课堂上! I'll be teaching music to more than 500 kids at Welborn, 这看起来有点吓人, 不可否认, 但我相信这将是非常令人满意的. KCKPS对艺术的支持程度令人鼓舞, and I'm excited to start my career within that community.

你在UMKC的教育是如何让这一切成为可能的, 在类别方面, 课外活动, 实习, 服务学习的机会, 网络的机会, 等.?

UMKC音乐教育课程的全面性,以及我从教师那里得到的大力支持,让我充满信心地开始了第一年的教学工作. 我知道我不知道所有的答案, and that I'll undoubtedly struggle as a first-year teacher, but UMKC has given me mentors and colleagues that I can always lean on for support.



我最喜欢UMKC音乐教育项目的一点是,职前教师可以在真正的课堂上花大量的时间. 我在堪萨斯大学的时候, 我在堪萨斯都会区的三个地区的四所学校做过观察/学生教学实习, 包括k - 12. 这些实习提供了与许多不同类型的学生一起工作的广泛经验, allowing me to figure out exactly what I enjoyed doing the most. 我决定教小学音乐!

"I had an amazing experience with undergraduate research while a student at UMKC, 我甚至还能在今年的全国音乐教育会议上展示我的作品.——雅各布·弗里斯


I definitely plan on going back to school in the future. I had an amazing experience with undergraduate research while a student at UMKC, 我甚至还能在今年的全国音乐教育会议上展示我的作品. 我发现教育是一个充满活力的领域. We're always learning new and better ways to help students succeed, 我很高兴能够通过自己的研究为不断发展的知识库做出一点贡献. 在我积累了一些真实的教学经验之后,我想做更多的事情.

塔米·格林伯格 20

亨利·W. 布洛赫管理学院

格林伯格担任堪萨斯城罗纳德·麦当劳之家慈善机构首席执行官已有六年, 并将在获得工商管理硕士学位后继续担任该职位.


我参加emba之旅不是为了“启动”我的职业生涯,而是为了提升和巩固它.  I am excited about demonstrating in my daily role the things I learned in the program, 包括领导, 策略, 商业智慧, 财务管理, 宣传, 市场营销, 创新, 影响和说服.

塔米·格林伯格, third from left in front row, with her EMBA cohort at commencement



I enjoyed how we moved through in a cohort learning model. 我们的团队变得非常亲密, and we learned not just from our professors and classes, 但也来自彼此. I believe strongly that “sharp knives make each other sharper,我很感激我在UMKC的高管教育中认识了所有的“尖刀”. 如果我没有提到所有杰出的演讲嘉宾,那就是我的疏忽——我很幸运能有这样的机会接触到参观我们项目的领导人. One of the promises of the EMBA at UMKC is “you learn something on Saturday, 你要在下周一付诸实践.“当我积极参与这个项目时,我发现这一点是正确的,现在也是如此.


It is an honor and privilege to keep families close to their seriously ill children. With three Ronald McDonald Houses and a Ronald Family Room here in Kansas City, 我们每晚服务87个有生病孩子的家庭. My long-term career goals are to be the best possible leader for this organization, to ensure that we are delivering our mission with excellence and care, 并在领导这个团队和这项工作时保持最高的商业标准.

菲奥娜Isiavwe 21

亨利·W. 布洛赫管理学院

Tell me how you found the job opportunity with Deloitte, 你在那里的头衔是什么?是什么让你对这个开始职业生涯的机会感到兴奋? 

I will be starting off as an audit assistant with Deloitte. I was on the executive board of four student organizations, serving part-time as a Supplemental Instruction Leader and enrolled in 15 credit hours, 同时保持4.0 cumulative GPA when a national recruiter with Deloitte reached out to me via Handshake. Deloitte is filled with some of the brightest minds across the globe. I am excited to be able to work alongside such incredibly talented people, 学习并不断挑战自我, 并在这个过程中享受乐趣! 

你在UMKC的教育是如何让这一切成为可能的, 在类别方面, 课外活动, 实习, 服务学习机会, 网络的机会, 等.?  

I remember when I was first scouted by my recruiter, she remarked that my Handshake profile had stood out to her from the others. My access to Handshake was provided through the UMKC Bloch career services department. My academic achievements were a testament to the academic resources available at UMKC. 在布洛赫学校, 我周围都是相信我的老师,他们花时间指导和鼓励我.



除了, the academic resources available like Supplemental Instruction, 辅导中心, 写作工作室和实验室对我的学业成功有很大的帮助,我发现布洛赫学院组织的交流机会是值得的. 我记得每次听到布洛赫校友和嘉宾的经历时,我都会感到很激动. Their stories made me feel like my dreams were valid, possible, and attainable.

"I want others to see that their hopes and dreams are valid, possible, and attainable.——菲奥娜Isiavwe  


I am grateful for this opportunity and hope to work my way up, 在这个过程中我获得了尽可能多的洞察力. I hope to venture into special projects back home in Nigeria and across the globe, give back and be a testament to those in positions where I once was. I want others to see that their hopes and dreams are valid, possible, and attainable.  

艾玛·斯塔克 21



Where will you be working and what excites you about this opportunity to launch a career?

I will be working at North Kansas City Hospital as a critical care float nurse, 在医院的各个重症监护室以及急诊科工作. I am excited to continue working on the front lines serving the greater Kansas City area. 护理是一个不断变化和发展的职业领域,我很高兴每天都能继续学习. 


密苏里大学堪萨斯分校在我的研究领域为我打开了许多扇门. 我的临床时间几乎是许多其他项目的两倍,这使我能够与护理专业的许多领导者建立联系. UMKC还确保我能够体验不同的护理环境和医院,这样我就可以确定我的激情.  我的第一次临床实习实际上是我发现北堪萨斯城医院并爱上他们的使命的过程. 


我知道我想接受高等教育. 我想帮助改革我国的医疗保健制度,使全体人民更容易获得医疗保健. 我对帮助别人充满热情,我特别想在贫困和服务不足的社区有所作为.
