

UMKC是美国为数不多的幸运大学之一.S. 将卫生专业学校集中在一个校区, 这是医学上的, 护理, pharmacy 和 dental faculty 和 students have been on the front lines fighting this p和emic since the beginning. 

这个问 & A round table with the UMKC Health Sciences Campus deans will be updated often with the latest information about the COVID-19 vaccine, 它的影响, 分布和发展.

玛丽·安妮·杰克逊, dean of the 医学院; Russ Melchert, 药学院院长兼牙科学院临时院长; 和 Joy Roberts, 护理与健康研究学院临时院长, are involved in leading vaccination efforts for our campus 和 堪萨斯 City area communities.


We continue to offer vaccinations to members of our campus community through our partners at Truman Medical Centers/University Health. 网上注册 或拨打(816)404-CARE(2273),然后按选项1.

After you get the vaccine, should you still follow social distancing guidelines? Should you still quarantine if you’re exposed to someone who’s tested positive for COVID-19?

杰克逊: 是的,你还是应该戴口罩,保持社交距离. 疾控中心刚刚公布了 关于隔离的新准则. 如果在你第二次注射后两周或更长时间,你就不需要注射了.

Currently, there are two companies that have two-dose vaccines, Moderna 和 Pfizer. 它们是如何分配的?

杰克逊: States are distributing, 和 there is no clarity on how many doses each site is given. It is in a tiered system, with frontline workers receiving in the first tier. (这里是分级疫苗接种分配计划 密苏里州堪萨斯).

罗伯茨: Distribution of the vaccine from the federal government to the states has been a tremendous challenge. 一旦供应足够大,并迅速分配到各州, 对美国人的好处将是显而易见的. 

Melchert: We are preparing 和 beginning to plan how we might more broadly impact our communities 和 especially those in Phase 1A, 目前符合条件的1B期1级和2级移民. Teaming with our regional 和 state partners to leverage our assets with theirs is essential to efficiently reach those who are eligible to receive the vaccine. 为此,我们需要接种疫苗,我们正在努力. 现在供应短缺,需求旺盛,真的很困难. 然而, I suppose the high dem和 is a good thing because the more folks who get vaccinated, 我们就越有可能实现“社区免疫”.”

跟我们说说约翰逊的事 & 约翰逊疫苗.

杰克逊: 约翰逊 & 约翰逊疫苗具有良好的安全性和有效性, a single dosage 和 no cold chain issues (they don’t require the ultra-cold storage like the current vaccines do), which makes this vaccine a potential game changer if we can get a large supply.


杰克逊: 和30岁的人相比, 65岁及以上的人死于COVID的风险增加了100倍, 75岁以上的人都是1,而85岁或85岁以上的人死亡的风险是10倍,000人死亡的风险更大.

The vaccine supply is likely going to increase in the coming weeks: Pfizer has promised 200 million doses by end of March, Moderna 1亿剂,约翰逊 & 约翰逊最初支付了2000万美元,到4月底时增加到6000万美元. 都是好消息.

约翰逊号 & 约翰逊疫苗在药店普及, seniors know how to navigate - this is where they get their flu shot - 和 should increase access 和 uptake.


杰克逊: 最好的策略是在多个地方注册, 和你的国家, 在他们的网站上与你的初级保健医生联系(在密苏里州), 以下是 杰克逊, 粘土普拉特 county sites; in 堪萨斯, 以下是 约翰逊怀恩多特 县网站).


罗伯茨: The vaccine injection was done by the very skilled registered nurses at Truman Medical Center. 注射并不比其他注射剂更痛苦, 然而,肌肉随后疼痛了大约8小时. 在那之后,就没有任何问题了. Our partners at TMC are operating a very well organized vaccination clinic providing expert 护理 care 和 safety measures. 


杰克逊: Moderna和辉瑞都有很高的有效率, including against the UK B117 variant (a newer mutation believed to be more infectious) 和 has some coverage against the more mutated South African strain. 它不会引起感染,因为所有疫苗都不含活病毒. It won’t change your DNA – it uses small amounts of messenger RNA that guides your body to make the antibodies, then breaks down; it cannot enter your DNA. It won’t cause infertility; there is no link to miscarriages or infertility. 尽管如此,孕妇还是应该咨询医生.


Melchert: The 药学院 has an army of student 药剂师 和 faculty 药剂师 who are certified 和 very experienced with providing vaccinations, including the wonderful work they do every year to provide influenza vaccines for the UMKC community. Many of our students 和 faculty are also participating with many of our partner organizations in 堪萨斯 City, 哥伦比亚, 斯普林菲尔德和整个州. Dr. Cameron Lindsey 和 her team are partnering with the Medical 研究 Corp of 堪萨斯 City, 大堪萨斯城牙科协会, 密苏里州牙科协会, KC CARE Health Center 和 others to offer a clinic in February for local area health practitioners, 尤其是牙科医生, 药剂师, nurses 和 emergency medical technicians 和 others in Phase 1A who have not otherwise had an opportunity to get vaccinated. Keeping our health care providers protected will increase capacity to serve those needing services.

罗伯茨: The 护理与健康研究学院 has students 和 faculty who are educated 和 skilled vaccinators, ready to assist in the immunization effort as soon as mass vaccination sites have enough vaccine available. Our students have had the option to volunteer as COVID testers 和 as vaccinators at various sites in the metro area, 包括UMKC学生健康中心.

杰克逊: Besides being vaccinators, we provide information about the vaccine at forums. 医学院举办“COVID疫苗:事实还是虚构,” a virtual community-wide forum with school faculty 和 alumni physicians on Feb. 4. 


罗伯茨: 新冠肺炎疫情对美国来说是一个巨大的挑战. The rapid creation of a safe, effective vaccine is nothing short of miraculous. This vaccine needs to be distributed as quickly as possible to all Americans, utilizing every trained vaccinator from registered nurses to 药剂师 to physicians, 同时在全球范围内共享. 要结束这一流行病,需要对全球人口进行免疫接种. 

杰克逊: 对谁可以接收没有限制. The oldest 和 those with immune-compromising conditions may not have immune response that is as good as those who are younger 和 healthier, 但是这种疫苗没有缺点.

Melchert: 该疫苗是我们抗击COVID的一大步. 我们对疫苗的安全性了解得越多, 更多的人可以从它提供的保护中受益. 然而, 保证彼此的安全, 即使有了疫苗, 包括继续保持警惕,戴口罩, 洗手, 保持社交距离,有症状时待在家里.